Part 1: 2021 Recap
Part 2: 2022 Goals
This episode is all about setting goals for 2022! I talk through my list of 12 goals for 2022 below and give you ideas for how you can structure yours for the year! All of my goals happen to be related to improving and updating areas of our house because I have learned that that is one of the main reasons I fall into the overwhelm and burnt out phases. I know that we can improve our house and make it fit our specific needs a lot better and so that is what we are going to tackle this year!
Having projects left unfinished usually is because I don’t know which option to choose, or I am afraid to take the next step, or just the effort involved can sometimes slow me down. Well, that is why my word of the year is DECIDE. Usually once I have a finalized plan, or finalized next step, I’m full steam ahead. 2022 is going to be an amazing year!
And, remember that The Heartward Project is all about making forward progress and being further along than you were 30 days ago. I do not expect to finish all 12 of these goals… but wouldn’t that be amazing!?
Mentioned in the Episode:
- If you want to join the Facebook Group, here you go!
- Freebie: Declutter 500 Items tracker
- Freebie: Project Tracker
- My 2021 “batting average”: .285, if you were curious. 😉
- Blog Post: 8 Major Life Events at one time!
- Word for 2021: Decide! (Again! Same as 2021, but it feels good.)
12 Goals for 2022: Summary
- Finish lighting/electrical improvements
- Basement Bathroom remodel
- Garage Shelving
- Refurnish the basement living room
- Patio decorating/painting
- Deck Finishing
- Window Boxes for backyard
- Front yard landscape
- Front Porch cleanup
- Replace and/or paint exterior doors (and from the interior side)
- Paint: daughter’s bedroom, basement, hallway/entry area, TV wall upstairs
- Complete 4th wall of backyard shed
The following pictures show improvements we’ve made in 2021 that will continue to be updated throughout 2022. Hoping to complete many of these, but we’ll see how the year goes!